Data Visualization with Python
(DATA-VIS-PYTHON.AJ2) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-434-6
About This Course
Data Visualization with Python course is designed to equip you with the fundamentals of data visualization using Python, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. The course covers a range of topics, including Introduction to Visualization with Python, Static Visualization, Static to Interactive Visualization, Interactive Visualization of Data across Strata, Interactive Visualization of Data across Time, Interactive Visualization of Geographical Data and more. Upon completing the course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of data visualization with Python and be able to create compelling visualizations that communicate complex data insights.
Skills You’ll Get
Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.
Interactive Lessons
9+ Interactive Lessons | 55+ Quizzes | 36+ Flashcards | 36+ Glossary of terms
Gamified TestPrep
33+ Pre Assessment Questions | 34+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hands-On Labs
54+ LiveLab | 37+ Video tutorials | 45+ Minutes
Video Lessons
47+ Videos | 06:36+ Hours
- About
- About the Course
Introduction to Visualization with Python – Basic and Customized Plotting
- Introduction
- Handling Data with pandas DataFrame
- Plotting with pandas and seaborn
- Tweaking Plot Parameters
- Summary
Static Visualization – Global Patterns and Summary Statistics
- Introduction
- Creating Plots that Present Global Patterns in Data
- Creating Plots That Present Summary Statistics of Your Data
- Summary
From Static to Interactive Visualization
- Introduction
- Static versus Interactive Visualization
- Applications of Interactive Data Visualizations
- Getting Started with Interactive Data Visualizations
- Summary
Interactive Visualization of Data across Strata
- Introduction
- Interactive Scatter Plots
- Other Interactive Plots in altair
- Summary
Interactive Visualization of Data across Time
- Introduction
- Temporal Data
- Types of Temporal Data
- Understanding the Relation between Temporal Data and Time-Series Data
- Examples of Domains That Use Temporal Data
- Visualization of Temporal Data
- Choosing the Right Aggregation Level for Temporal Data
- Resampling in Temporal Data
- Interactive Temporal Visualization
- Summary
Interactive Visualization of Geographical Data
- Introduction
- Choropleth Maps
- Plots on Geographical Maps
- Summary
Avoiding Common Pitfalls to Create Interactive Visualizations
- Introduction
- Data Formatting and Interpretation
- Data Visualization
- Cheat Sheet for the Visualization Process
- Summary
Appendix A: Data Structures, Strings, and Numpy
Introduction to Visualization with Python – Basic and Customized Plotting
- Creating a User-defined Function
- Applying the ceil() Function on a DataFrame Column
- Adding a Column to a DataFrame
- Applying the describe() Function
- Viewing Data from Dataset
- Deleting Columns from a DataFrame
- Reading Data from a File
- Creating a Bar Plot and Calculating the Mean Growth Rate Distribution
- Creating Bar Plot Grouped by a Specific Feature
- Plotting a Histogram
- Tweaking the Plot Parameters of a Grouped Bar Plot
- Annotating a Bar Chart
Static Visualization – Global Patterns and Summary Statistics
- Presenting Data across Time with Multiple Line Plots
- Creating a Static Line Plot
- Creating a Static Hexagonal Binning Plot
- Creating a Static Scatter Chart
- Creating a Static Contour Plot
- Creating a Static Heatmap
- Creating a Linkage in a Static Heatmap
- Creating a Static Box Plot
- Creating a Static Violin Plot
From Static to Interactive Visualization
- Creating the Base Static Plot for Interactive Data Visualization
- Adding a Slider to the Static Plot
- Adding a Hover Tool to a Scatter Plot Using bokeh
- Creating an Interactive Scatter Plot
- Using the merge() function
Interactive Visualization of Data across Strata
- Adding Zoom-In and Zoom-Out to a Static Scatter Plot Using altair
- Adding Hover and Tooltip Functionality to a Scatter Plot Using altair
- Exploring Select and Highlight Functionality on a Scatter Plot Using altair
- Performing Selection across Multiple Plots
- Performing a Selection Based on the Values of a Feature
- Adding the Zoom Feature and Calculating the Mean on a Static Bar Plot
- Representing the Mean on a Bar Plot using a Shortcut
- Linking a Bar Plot and a Heatmap Dynamically
- Adding a Zoom Feature on a Static Heatmap
- Creating a Bar Plot and a Heatmap Next to Each Other
Interactive Visualization of Data across Time
- Calculating zscore to Find Outliers in Temporal Data
- Performing Upsampling and Downsampling in Temporal Data
- Using shift and tshift to Shift Time in Data
- Adding Zoom-in and Zoom-out Functionality on a Line Plot Using Bokeh
- Adding Interactivity to Static Line Plots using Bokeh
- Changing the Line Color and Width on a Line Plot
- Adding Box Annotations to Find Anomalies in a Dataset
Interactive Visualization of Geographical Data
- Creating a Worldwide Choropleth Map
- Tweaking a Worldwide Choropleth Map
- Adding Animation to a Choropleth Map
- Creating a Choropleth Map for the US Population across States
- Creating a Scatter Plot on a Geographical Map
- Creating a Bubble Plot on a Geographical Map
- Creating Line Plots on a Geographical Map
Avoiding Common Pitfalls to Create Interactive Visualizations
- Visualizing Outliers in a Dataset with a Box Plot
- Dealing with Outliers
- Dealing with Missing Values
- Creating a Confusing Visualization