IT Specialist JavaScript

(ITSPC-JS) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-334-9
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
Instructor Led (Add-on)
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

JavaScript is an event-based, client-side, object-oriented scripting language that you can use to add dynamic interactivity to your web pages. Get the live experience of coding in JavaScript with uCertify's course IT Specialist JavaScript. The course contains interactive lessons, practice tests, knowledge checks, quizzes, flashcards, glossaries, and live labs to comprehensively cover the ITSPC exam objectives. It equips the candidates with all the skills required to pass the ITSPC JavaScript exam.

Skills You’ll Get

The Information Technology Specialist program validates the candidates for entry-level IT skills that employers look for. The ITSPC JavaScript program covers the concepts of JavaScript Operators, Methods, and Keywords, JavaScript Variables, Data Types, Functions, Decisions and Loops, Document Object Model, and HTML Forms. The exam is designed for candidates who have the skills required to recognize, write, and debug JavaScript code that will logically solve a problem.

Interactive Lessons

10+ Interactive Lessons | 118+ Quizzes | 85+ Flashcards | 85+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

40+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 45+ Post Assessment Questions | 90+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

92+ LiveLab | 61+ Video tutorials | 01:50+ Hours

Video Lessons

104+ Videos | 03:12+ Hours


Introduction to JavaScript

  • About JavaScript
  • JavaScript Getting Started
  • Comments in JavaScript
  • Your First JavaScript Code
  • Exercise

JavaScript Basics

  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Data Types
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Operators Precedence
  • JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words
  • Scripts
  • Constants
  • JavaScript Debugging
  • Exercise

Controlling Flow

  • Decision Making
  • Loops
  • Exercise


  • Types of Arrays
  • Declaring and Initialization of an Array
  • Array Methods
  • Sorting and Searching in Array
  • Access an Element of an Array
  • Exercise


  • Function Definition
  • Calling a Function
  • Nested Functions
  • Built-In Functions
  • The this Keyword
  • Exercise


  • Object-Oriented Language
  • Creating Objects
  • The String Object
  • The Date Object
  • The forEach() Method
  • Exercise

The Browser Object Model

  • The Browser Hierarchy
  • Window open() and close() Method
  • JavaScript Window Screen
  • Exercise

Document Object Model

  • DOM Levels
  • The DOM as a Tree
  • Retrieving Elements
  • DOM Events
  • JavaScript innerHTML and document.write()
  • Exercise

HTML Forms

  • Overview of Form Elements
  • Form Objects
  • Working with Form Information
  • Validation with JavaScript
  • Form Submission Process
  • Exercise

Errors and Exceptions

  • Error Handling and Exceptions
  • Types of Errors
  • try, catch and finally Statements
  • throw Statement
  • Exercise


Introduction to JavaScript

  • Using Single-Line and Multi-Line Comments
  • Running a JavaScript Code
  • Understanding basic concepts of JavaScript

JavaScript Basics

  • Using Strict Mode
  • Using Variable Scopes
  • Using arithmetic operators
  • Using Data Types
  • Using Operators
  • Using JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • Using the alert() method
  • Using the prompt() method
  • Using the confirm() method
  • Using Internal JavaScript
  • Using noscript
  • Using External JavaScript
  • Using Constants
  • Using the Debugger Keyword
  • Setting Breakpoints in JavaScript
  • Getting the Console Log Using JavaScript

Controlling Flow

  • Using the Decision-Making Statements
  • Using the if statement
  • Working with the nested if statements
  • Using the if-else statement
  • Using the continue Statement
  • Using the break Statement
  • Using the while Loop
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using the do-while Loop
  • Using the for loop
  • Understanding the while loop
  • Working with the do-while loop


  • Using Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Using the Array Methods
  • Sorting and Searching in Array
  • Using the indexof() method
  • Using the sort() method
  • Using the array.length() method


  • Knowing the Difference between Pass By Value and Pass By Reference
  • Calling a Function
  • Calling a function
  • Using Nested Functions
  • Using Different Mathematical Functions in JavaScript
  • Using the toFixed() Function
  • Using the isNaN() Function
  • Using the parseInt() and parseFloat() Functions
  • Using the isNan() function
  • Using the math.ceil() method
  • Using the this Keyword


  • Creating Objects
  • Working with the objects
  • Using the String Object
  • Formatting strings
  • Using the concat() method - Part I
  • Using the concat() method - Part II
  • Using the Date Object
  • Calculating the Difference Between Two Dates
  • Using Localization
  • Using the Time Function in JavaScript
  • Using the Date object
  • Using the forEach() Method
  • Using the forEach() method - Part I
  • Using forEach() method - Part II

The Browser Object Model

  • Using the Window open() and close() Methods
  • Using the JavaScript Window Screen

Document Object Model

  • Retrieving Elements by Tag Name
  • Retrieving Elements
  • Using the Onfocus and Onblur Events
  • Using the DOM Event
  • Understanding DOM events - Part I
  • Understanding DOM events - Part II
  • Understanding DOM events - Part III
  • Using JavaScript innerHTML and document.write()
  • Using innerHTML property

HTML Forms

  • Creating a Form
  • Using the Select Object
  • Using the Radio and Check Box Objects
  • Using a Text Box Object
  • Using the Password Object
  • Using the POST Method
  • Retrieving Form Values from Textbox
  • Retrieving Form Values from a Dropdown
  • Working with form Information
  • Using Validation with JavaScript
  • Validating a form
  • Using the GET Method
  • Using the onsubmit Event

Errors and Exceptions

  • Using try and catch in JavaScript
  • Knowing Syntax Errors
  • Knowing Runtime Errors
  • Using the finally Statement
  • Working with errors and exceptions
  • Using the throw Statement

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Pearson VUE

The exam contains 35-45 questions.

50 minutes

  • If a candidate does not achieve a passing score on an exam the first time, the candidate must wait 24 hours before retaking the exam.
  • If a candidate does not achieve a passing score the second time, the candidate must wait seven days before retaking the exam a third time.
  • A seven-day waiting period is imposed between each subsequent exam retake.
  • A candidate may not take a given exam any more than five times per year (12 months). This 12-month period starts from the first attempt. The candidate is then eligible to retake the exam 12 months from the date of the first attempt.

IT Specialist JavaScript

$ 279.99

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